Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

Pet Dental Hygiene is Important

We know that you love your pet and take great care of your furry friend but there might be one area that you are missing. Are you paying attention to your pet's dental care? Just like us, you should brush your pet’s teeth and get annual professional dental check-ups.

Even if your pet has remarkably white teeth, there may be some hidden issues under the gums. Plaque and tartar build-up can turn into gingivitis leading to periodontal disease. Dr. Scott Campbell and Dr. Ashley Mounts of the North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AR want you to know that dental disease is completely preventable. Here are some helpful tips to keep your pet smiling for years to come.

Visit The Veterinarian Regularly: Pets begin showing signs of dental issues by age three, so schedule annual veterinary check-ups for preventative care. If your pet has bad breath, the animal may already be experiencing dental issues that can cause heart, kidney, and liver disease. Since most dental issues are below the gum line, we can take x-rays and provide other preventative examinations.

Brush Your Pet's Teeth: Brushing your pet's teeth regularly will make a positive impact on your pet's overall health. Dr. Scott Campbell and Dr. Ashley Mounts recommend using a toothbrush and toothpaste made exclusively for pets. If your pet is not cooperating try using your fingers with the paste first and then introduce the brush. The younger the pet is, the easier the brushing routine will be, but your pet is never too old to start brushing.

Introduce Chewy Toys: There are a variety of toys on the market that help with dental care. Many toys include toothpaste inside for cleaner teeth and fresher breath. Allowing your pet to chew on these toys helps remove food residue and tartar from the teeth and complements your tooth brushing routine.

Your pet's health and dental care are very important to us. Call North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AZ, and schedule an appointment. Call us today at (501) 835-3577 to speak with Dr. Scott Campbell or Dr. Ashley Mounts about your pet’s dental care.