Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Most people think that disease and serious illnesses do not affect their pets until they become seniors. However, cats and dogs are at just as much risk of suffering from allergies as we are. Understanding the risks to your pet's health allows you to provide him or her with the quality health care they deserve. Here at North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, our team can help treat your pet's allergy symptoms accordingly. Here are common signs your pet is suffering from allergies.

Itchy Skin

Skin irritation may be one of the most common pet allergies. Pets opt to scratch and bite their skin to relieve the itching. Itchiness of the skin will likely result in the pet's skin being red and inflamed. As a pet owner, if the scratching persists, our team can help your animal find relief and prevent them from irritating the skin any further.

Hair Loss

Evident bald spots on pets or even thinning of their fur point to allergies being the cause. Excessive itching or licking can lead to hair loss. The hair loss may also be caused by certain chemicals affecting the hair, causing it to thin or fall out.

Ear Problems

Dogs are likely to exhibit an ear problem due to allergies. Ear infections typically start with a mere itchy part on the pet's ear, then comes restlessness scratching from the animal to relieve that itchiness. Excessive head shaking and scratching will all lead to other complications if left untreated. Your animal may also experience discharge from his or her ear.

Watery Eyes and Runny Nose

This sign is most common due to environmental allergies such as pollen. Your pet may have inhaled something he or she was allergic to, leading to respiratory problems. A runny nose is most similar to how humans experience allergies.

Contact Us for Professional Treatment for Pet Allergies in Sherwood, AR

At North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, our veterinarians care about your pet's health and are committed to providing the care he or she needs. We offer safe solutions to help your pet find relief from their allergies. To learn more about how we can help you and your animal, call us today. If you are looking for a 'veterinarian near me,' our team is here to help.