Preparing Your Pet for a Stay at a Boarding Facility

Preparing Your Pet for a Stay at a Boarding Facility

When you need to travel for a work trip or vacation, leaving your beloved pet at a boarding facility in can be the best option. However, it's crucial to ensure that your furry friend is prepared for its stay. Prior to visiting North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AR, learn how to prepare your pet for a stay at a boarding facility below:

Visit Our Veterinarian

Before boarding your pet, schedule a visit with our veterinarian. Ensure that your pet is up-to-date on all vaccinations and preventive medications. We can also provide any necessary documentation, such as health certificates, that may be required by the boarding facility.

Tour the Boarding Facility

Take the time to visit the boarding facility beforehand, if possible. This will allow you to see the environment where your pet will be staying and meet the staff who will be caring for him or her. Look for clean and well-maintained facilities, ample space for exercise, and knowledgeable staff members who are experienced in handling pets.

Pack Comfort Items

Help your pet feel more at ease during its stay by packing familiar items from home, such as its favorite toys, bedding, and treats. These familiar scents and objects can provide comfort and reassurance while your pet is away from home.

Provide Clear Instructions

Provide detailed instructions to the boarding facility staff regarding your pet's feeding schedule, medication regimen, and any special needs or preferences he or she may have. Be sure to include emergency contact information and inform the staff of any behavioral quirks or medical conditions your furry friend may have.

Gradual Acclimation

If your pet has never stayed at a boarding facility before, consider scheduling a few shorter visits leading up to its longer stay. This process will allow your cat or dog to become familiar with the facility and staff in a less stressful environment.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

At North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AR, we understand that leaving your pet at a boarding facility can be a difficult decision. Our team is dedicated to providing a comfortable and caring environment for all of our guests. To learn more about pet boarding or to schedule a consultation, contact us at (501) 835-3577 today. When you need a veterinarian near me, we are happy to assist you!