

Dentistry Services at North Hills Animal Hospital

Pets aren’t just a part of the family, they need similar medical care to the rest of the family. That means regular dentist appointments. Our veterinary services include a veterinary dentistry practice that follows the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) guidelines.


Dentist Services for Your Pet

Our veterinary dentistry services include teeth cleaning, adjustment, tooth extractions, filings, and tooth repair. We address the full oral health care of your pet. Dr. Scott Campbell and Dr. Ashley Mounts in Sherwood, AR provide these services as well as dental radiology procedures. We combine our years of training with compassion and a love of animals to give your pets the treatment they need comfortably.

Dental Exam Basics

Your pet’s annual dental exam begins with an oral exam much like the one you undergo at your dentist’s. We’ll take x-rays, also called radiographs, of your pet’s jaw and tooth roots which lie below the gum line. Most dental diseases develop initially below the gum line.  We will administer a dental cleaning and evaluation under anesthesia. This includes scaling that removes dental plaque and tartar plus tooth polishing. These regular, annual cleanings help prevent and detect gum and teeth conditions. This is so important because dental disease can spread infection to your pet's internal organs. That is true whether you have a cat, dog, gerbil or some other animal. As long as they have teeth, it applies. The bacteria that develop during periodontal disease can spread. The same bacteria that cause your pet pain can cause tooth loss and, if it enters their bloodstream, the same bacteria can cause heart, lung, and kidney problems, too. While the risk of dental diseases varies according the size of the animal, all animals with teeth remain at risk. Dental diseases are preventable. That’s why pet teeth cleanings are so important. Our veterinarians can catch the warning signs early and help your pet remain healthy. 

How Often to Bring Your Pet to the Dental Vet

According to The American Animal Hospital Association, you should begin bringing your cats for annual cleanings when they reach the age of one year. The same age works for small- to medium-breed dogs. Large breed dogs need annual teeth cleanings beginning at two years old.

Come visit our veterinarian office today. Dr. Scott Campbell and Dr. Ashley Mounts in Sherwood, AR can schedule this dental exam for the same day as your pet’s physical exam. Protect your pet’s health with annual dental visits. You can call us at (501) 835-3577 to schedule an appointment today!