
Dispelling Spay and Neuter Myths

Many people understand that spaying and neutering their pets can prevent them from reproducing, but several misconceptions and myths surround this procedure. Some of these myths may make people hesitant to get these procedures done on their pets. Our veterinary team at North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AR, is here to dispel these misconceptions and myths about spaying and neutering. Continue reading to learn the truth about spaying and neutering your pet.

Spay and Neuter

Does Spaying or Neutering Lead to Weight Gain?

These procedures do not affect your pet’s weight. Feeding pets too much or not giving your pet enough opportunities for physical activity causes gain weight, not spaying or neutering them. Watch how much you feed your pet and ensure they get plenty of exercise to prevent weight gain.

Are Spaying and Neutering Costly Procedures?

These procedures are much less expensive than how much you would pay to care for a litter of puppies or kittens. While spaying procedures are costlier than neutering, both cost significantly less than taking care of multiple puppies or kittens. Overall, the cost of spaying and neutering is relatively low compared to more complex types of surgery.

Is Spaying and Neutering Too Risky?

Any kind of surgery comes with risks, but spaying and neutering are safe for most pets. Our veterinary team does use general anesthesia for these procedures. However, we monitor your pet’s vital signs to ensure your pet’s safety. These procedures are done routinely and carry only slight risks, such as incision infections.

Does Neutering Dogs and Cats Lead to Behavioral Changes?

This procedure stops male pets from engaging in unwanted behaviors, such as marking their territory with urine or roaming in search of a female dog or cat. Neutering also helps reduce the risk of aggressive behavior in male pets. Your pet’s standard behavior should not change after a spay or neuter procedure.

Do Female Pets Need to Go Through One Heat Cycle Before Being Spayed?

Your female pet does not need to go through a heat cycle before getting spayed. Talk with your veterinarian near me about when to get your dog or cat spayed. The timing of your pet’s procedure will depend on its current health and how old it is.

Does Neutering Pets Make Them Have Fewer “Masculine” Traits?

Neutering your male pet will not affect any “masculine” traits it has. This procedure lowers your pet’s risk of developing certain kinds of cancer, such as testicular cancer, and other health issues related to the testes and prostate.

Schedule Spay & Neuter Surgery in Sherwood, AR, Today

Spaying or neutering your pet can prevent it from reproducing unwanted litter and reduce the risk of significant health issues, so contact North Hills Animal Hospital in Sherwood, AR, and get your pet spayed or neutered today. Call us and schedule an appointment at (501) 835-3577 to protect your pet’s health and happiness.